Space, Satellites, & Small Kids

Space, Satellites, & Small Kids

7 minute read - In today’s column, Troy Morris, KMI Director of Operations, quickly summarizes and simplifies on the question, “how do satellites work.” Hint, it's a lot of hard work, hard work that deserves a chance to continue flying through the completion of their mission. Hard work that deserves a safer, lower-risk, debris-free environment, which is why we keep working on #KeepingSpaceClearForAll.

Roscosmos, Rocketry, and the Return

Roscosmos, Rocketry, and the Return

6 minute read - In light of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, many countries and companies have reevaluated their relationship with Russia and their rockets. While international sanctions and armed conflicts are ongoing, the history of human spaceflight continues, at times in awkward proximity to world political events. As Troy Morris discusses in this column, humanity has best succeeded with the shared goal of, “WE CAME IN PEACE FOR ALL MANKIND.”

What Can We Do with Orbital Debris?

What Can We Do with Orbital Debris?

5 minute read - One of the most common questions that we at KMI get when people are first introduced to our business of orbital debris remediation is what do we plan to do once we have captured a piece of debris. The answer is that there are several possibilities, some more likely than others and some more exciting than others. The goal of this column is to explain some of the potential solutions to this problem and why each one is or is not viable.