Set your sights on a safer solution, reducing danger by removing debris.
Our Fresnel system connects you with the resources to recognize specific conjunction risks to your mission, capture the concerns of your assets and their orbits, and deliver a debris mitigation solution that can be managed and manifested to
make your mission a success.
Your Selected Object:
Select On Wayfinder
The price to remove a debris object is impacted by many factors. KMI looks at all factors, determines resources, and builds a deployment solution to clear the way and keep your satellites going.
KMI evaluates:
Object orbit - Object mass - Duration in space - Optimal matching with secondary removal objects
You select:
An orbit to safeguard - Concerning objects to be removed - An area for optimized removal planning
Together we decide:
Speed of mission - Financing options (contracting, OTAs, or unique models available)
Contact our team to learn more & let our Space Rangers start keeping your space clear.
Fresnel lenses are “the invention that saved a million ships” by illuminating the way for ships in hazardous waters.
The KMI Fresnel system saves you millions by identifying the plan for satellites in hazardous orbits.
Cutaway drawing of Fresnel lens for lighthouses to amplify the lamp light over great distances.